I’m Bianca Gabrielle.

The Journey Here

Growing up, I always knew I was different. I felt things deeply and noticed what others could not. I could instinctively sense the subtle nuances of an environment or a person as if it was a 6th sense, often being labeled as “too sensitive.”

Without knowing what a Highly Sensitive/Attuned Person was let alone that it was a superpower, I suppressed this fundamental part of myself to avoid being ridiculed or perceived as weak or too emotional. Instead, I chose schools, jobs and relationships that matched societal expectations of success rather than my own.

I was living wildly outside of my unique energy blueprint.

This suppression of sensitivity, emotions and soul whispers led to ongoing anxiety, physical ailments and periodical nervous breakdowns which culminated in the one that finally broke me in 2012.

Although still working in the corporate world at a notable advertising agency, I used this life changing Spiritual Awakening to begin healing my nervous system, which had been in a near perpetual state of fight, flight or freeze for most of my life.

I began to learn the tools, techniques and practices to heal my trauma and the disconnect. Through meditation, plant medicine, energy work, mentorship and a lifestyle overhaul, I was able to turn off the stress response, restore the connection to my body, intuition and unique energy blueprint and make new choices.

This journey led me to be trained in somatic healing practices, mindful facilitation, transformational coaching and the modality that changed the trajectory of my life: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

I created my own freedom and eventually left the corporate world to follow my soul and help others do the same:

Heal your nervous system, unleash your creativity, align your life with purpose and share your unique gifts with the world..