The Art of Resistance

I’ve been thinking about the word Resistance a lot lately.

In a collective context, I’ve been reflecting on it in terms of how I see it being used or discussed in conversations on social media and just generally in my communities - usually when talking about social justice work.

The intention of much social justice work is liberation; yet, my experience of the word “Resistance” is often not one of liberation. It is of constriction. My body physically tightens, as if it is bracing for impact, when I hear the word or engage with it for long periods of time.

To resist something is to actively exert force in direct opposition to something which doesn’t leave much room for actually moving forward. As with all things, it’s an energy……and that is an exhausting energy on every level. When we constantly bring our focus on what we are resisting, there’s not a ton of energy to go beyond that to reflect on what we can be creating.

To be clear, I’m not saying this is wrong nor am I saying that we should ignore collective injustices. I think Resistance can offer a really beautiful and important opportunity to see what we don’t want………but in terms of creating something beyond that? Something that is not a perpetuation of somatic constriction? Something that is rooted in rest, imagination, spaciousness and a settled nervous system? I’m not sold.

I don’t have an answer or a solution to the above. But I do think reflecting on where Resistance is supportive and where it is actually draining is a good starting point and then going from there.

On the other side of the coin, I’ve also been thinking about resistance in the ways in shows up in our individual lives.

For me, like I said above, Resistance is not just a thought, it’s an energy. It’s a somatic experience. When it shows up, I can feel my entire body tighten and a sense of stuckness immediately arises.

I used to hate when it would show up. I wanted it to go away. I wanted to always be in a state of flow, receptivity and clarity and I saw it as a road block to all of that. So, naturally, I would start resisting the resistance i.e doubling down and creating more of that same energy.

However, what I have come to really realize and embrace on this journey is that Resistance is not the enemy, it is a gift.

It is not something to fear, be pushed through or gotten rid of.

It generally shows up at the perfect time, for a good reason and it’s usually not the first reason that you think it is.

On our path of growth to our fullest potential and our most evolved selves, it’s like a little alert that there is something to be looked at internally to get to the next stage, whatever that may be for us (spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally).

I think many times the first instinct is to think this alert is telling you *not* to do something and the truth is, it might be; it might actually be your body, your intuition, telling you that something is not safe about that person, that situation, that action, etc. Only you can know that level of discernment.

That Resistance may also be showing up as a sign to slow down and listen to what it’s trying to tell you. Our bodies are always trying to communicate to us and it is our job and sacred responsibility to learn to understand its language.

As you move forward in whatever area of life this is showing up in, it might be trying to point to a fear or wound that needs to be seen; a limiting belief that needs to be released; a way of acting or going about life that no longer works or a boundary that needs to be created.

I find turning towards curiosity and gently asking, “Resistance, what would you like me to know right now?” can open up a dialogue with my internal self to start exploring the deeper truth hidden within. That dialogue can be through tapping, journaling, intuitive movement or just asking the question to my Spirit team and allowing Them to show me the answer.

I like to think of it like a little treasure hunt.

Wherever the hunt leads, there is always gold on the other side of understanding and/or moving through Resistance, however long it takes. Whether it’s more compassion for self and others, a new level of communicating your truth, creating a new form of self expression or healing a wound, there is always an upgrade.

In any context, Resistance is not the ultimate answer. It is not something to fear and it is not something to strive for. It’s not the foundation for which new worlds, new dreams or new realities can firmly stand upon and yet, it can be a place that offers opportunities for deeper reflection, healing and clarity as it embodies the question: “what is truly needed in this moment”?

And from that inquiry and your willingness to show up for yourself to discover the answer? That is where the new foundation, the new pathway, the new vision is forged.

Community, what resistance are you getting curious about?


***Resistance is an energy and can be a challenging one; but just like any other energy, it can be moved and how you show up with one thing is how you show up with anything. If you need support moving through resistance, you can check out this Tapping Video.


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