We are in intense, turbulent and yet incredibly revolutionary times.

We are dealing with more collective and interpersonal conflict than ever before yet most of us either don’t have the tools to effectively engage with conflict or if we do have the tools, we struggle to use them.

Our lack of tools coupled with our personal histories and stress responses have many of us caught on extreme sides of the pendulum: fight mode or avoiding conflict all together.

Neither of the create space for dialogue, connection and possible solutions.

During the Conflict Transformation: Finding Ground During Conflict workshops, co-facilitators Serian Strauss and Bianca Wilson play with the following questions: 

  • How do we notice, listen and prepare to engage with generative conflict in an embodied way?

  • What power do we hold in our role?

  • What values can we uplift to ground us as we learn and unlearn how to show up in moments of conflict?

  • What new actions can be implemented to create structures for coming together during conflict vs. being torn apart?

Our time will be about anchoring in foundational skills that can be applied to a wide range of transformative conflict practices. 

Please see below for in person + virtual workshop options and contact bianca@biancagabrielle.com for more information.



Half Day (3 hours) Workshop


  • Fundamentals for engaging with conflict with others in a healthy and generative way

  • Understanding our role within conflict

Workshop Details:

  • Creating a healthy & supportive environment for participants to engage in conversations around conflict

  • Important definitions for conflict transformation & conflict resolution 

  • Introduction to the 4 stress responses 

  • Identifying your stress response 

  • Tools for managing your stress response

  • Understanding the connection between the stress response and your relationship to conflict 

  • Envisioning an ideal group future around handling conflict



2 Day Workshop: 


  • Build off of Day 1 workshop (self + group)

  • Tailored to fit to your organization’s specific needs around conflict

    • Included but not limited to:

      • Clarity on organizational culture around conflict (i.e: What’s the general response when conflict comes up in your organization?)

      • Fundamentals + tools for engaging with conflict within your specific organizational context

      • Creating commitments & structures to apply tools within organizational culture 


Full Day (6 hours) Workshop:


  • Build off of 1st half of workshop (see Option A)

  • Provide critical skills and tools for mindful communication and listening 

  • Apply & practice tools in real time

  • Create personal goals + actions to apply tools 

Workshop Details:

  • Creating a healthy & supportive environment for participants to engage in conversations around mindful communication 

  • Conflict Resolution vs. Conflict Transformation 

  • Learning practical tools for mindful communication 

  • Applying & practicing tools for mindful communication to real time scenarios 

  • Creating commitments & structures to apply tools within interpersonal relationships

  • Note: This workshop can be done as 1 day or split into 2 separate consecutive half days depending on organizational needs and scheduling 


Workshop Details:

  • Build shared understanding of organizational response when conflict arises

  • Provide + practice practical tools for engaging with organizational conflict 

  • Creating structures that support conflict transformation goals  

  • Practical actions to apply within organizational culture 

Contact bianca@biancagabrielle.com for more information.