1-1 EFT Sessions
Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to make a change in some part of your life no matter what you do?
Do you put yourself in different situations yet continue re-living the same negative patterns over and over again?
Is there a difficult emotion or experience that you just can’t seem to shake that keeps you from reaching your full potential and/or enjoying life to its fullest?
Do you find yourself running on stress & adrenaline, constantly stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response?
The good news is: there’s nothing wrong with you. You may just have stress, a dysregulated nervous system and unconscious programming in the form of stuck / stagnant energy that simply needs to be safely (and gently) processed and released.
The better news is: you can shift all of this.
The best news: It doesn’t have to be hard.
Book a 75 minute session here so you can release stress and trauma, feel better and live a life worth loving.
*New to EFT / ‘Tapping’? Check out this page to find out what it is, how it works and how it can change your life.