Techniques for Emotional Regulation and Nervous System Healing that Last


Are you tired of being well-versed in knowing your issues but never seeing any real change? What would it feel like to have actual peace? To feel safety in your body? Less anxiety? I specialize in working with folks who identify as neurodivergent and/or with high sensitivity who are looking to create long term nervous system healing and build a life that’s led by their creativity, intuition and honors their sensitivity / unique energy. We use EFT Tapping sessions for deep somatic healing by getting you out of your head and safely into your body. We shift your relationship to your emotions and emotional blocks by releasing stress and other people’s energy, create deep emotional regulation and reprogram lifelong limiting beliefs.

Bianca’s non-judgmental and accepting approach really resonated with me. As someone carrying guilt and shame from past experiences of childhood emotional neglect, her ability to make me feel comfortable being myself was invaluable.
— EFT Client, Business Affairs Manager

Imagine if you and your team(s) not only had simple techniques for emotional regulation and energy management but tools and practices to bring more ease into your conflict (resolution)? What difference would having that ease make in your professional experience as well as your relationships?

I resonate with Bianca’s pace, intuition, use of language, and compassion. I felt very held and very safe in the container she created
— Conflict Transformation Workshop Participant,

I believe techniques for nervous system healing and emotional regulation should be accessible for everyone. These short self guided courses and meditations will support you on your nervous system healing journey and help you create your own daily routines and rituals for ongoing and lasting support.

Bianca did a good job of guiding/supporting me through the process and explaining new exercises/techniques as we did them. She also held space. I felt neither judged nor left behind at any point. I felt very comfortable with her and supported even as “ugly thoughts” and memories came up. I felt held.
— EFT Client, Actor & Director

Why are Emotional Regulation and Nervous System Healing Important?

Around 90% of our decisions are based off of our emotions, not our logic.

This means on a day to day basis, only about 10% of the choices we make come from pure logic.

Honestly, it’s exhausting to be human.

Especially if you exist within any form of marginalized identity.

There is very little about this world, with its fast pace, addiction to social media, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism and all other systems of oppression that lend itself to feeling peace, stability, resourced and rested.

Most don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on the care they need and while mutual aid is a necessity, it’s not always consistent or available.

And yet, much of the access to clearer thinking, perspective shifts and (different) decision making comes from your ability to be emotionally regulated; to have the space in your nervous system to make a different choice.

This is why having techniques that can more easily create emotional regulation is critical, particularly for those who identify as neurodivergent and/or with high sensitivity where there is a significant more amount of internal and external stimuli being processed at any given moment.

Being able to understand, navigate and manage your emotions and emotional response may not be the answer to every problem but it is the foundation to at least starting to find a solution.