Your Dreams Aren't Dead

The other week I was at my dad's house when I decided to go re-visit the garden I had planted last year.

As much as I love the garden, I hadn't spent much time there since my family is going through a massive life process with a divorce and selling my childhood home. Going back and forth from my own home to my childhood home to take care of my garden was getting complicated and frankly, it was painful.

So I gave it space.

When I took a good look at what I had created, I was brought to tears by what had become of my beautiful garden. It was overrun with weeds and dead plants from seasons prior.

I was moved to start digging up what had died - it felt symbolic and cathartic as I have been releasing the cords to my childhood home as well as releasing other aspects of my life that have run their course.

I gasped in awe as I was clearing the debris and discovered that strawberries I had planted nearly a year ago had not only survived my absence, they were also thriving.

I was moved by the visual representation of a dream that I was certain had died standing before me thriving, waiting for me to come and claim it.

This brings me to today in this moment where most of us are deep in the throws of another Mercury Retrograde season or at least witnessing others be in the throws of it.

Mercury Retrograde comes about 3-4 times a year so it's not uncommon but what is common is the fear mentality that can come with it and it's not necessarily unwarranted.

Mercury Retrograde if often categorized by:

  • Tech Fails

  • Secrets Revealed

  • Miscommunication

  • Plan interruptions / disruptions

  • Chaotic / erratic energy and behavior

  • Freak / Random Occurrences

  • Ceasing major decision making

But the reality is that the energy behind Mercury Rx is not about fear. It's about reviewing, reflecting and slowing down.

In a society that is hell bent on moving at lightning speed, constantly creating, innovating and moving forward......slowing down, reviewing and reflecting feels challenging and antithesis.

We are not a culture that likes to look at our past; yet, our past can offer pathways to healing and ultimately the clarity and answers we are often looking for in our fast paced / future focused obsessions.

With Mars in Aries, its home sign, there is the additional energy of focusing on our desires, autonomy and independence.

So when we put these two things together we have the beautiful opportunity to slow down, reflect and review some of the desires or dreams from our past; perhaps we put them on the back burner because it wasn't the right time or we didn't have the right resources.

Or perhaps we put them on the back burner because we were too afraid to look at them when our fears of worthiness / enoughness reared their head.
Which brings us back full circle to the garden and the strawberries.

This is the exact opportunity of this moment and a possible reframe, instead of panic and fear, for this season of Mercury Retrograde / Mars in Aries:

  • What are some dreams or desires from the past that you've noticed re-appearing in subtle or not so subtle ways?

  • What are some ways you can look at it / them with a new perspective?

  • What was missing then that you have access to now to move it forward in a way that feels exciting (tangible or intangible)?

Because we are still in Mercury Rx, it doesn't mean you necessarily need to launch the dream back out in the world quite yet; however, you can still take action that feels resonate for you (making a plan of action, creating your vision for what you'd like it to look like, people you'd like to engage around it, etc).

I'd love to know what some of those dreams are that might be resurrected so please feel free to reply directly to me!

Happy Mercury Rx and Dream Digging.

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