33 Things I've Learned (and am Still Learning) on my 33rd Birthday

As I reflect on the new year I am bringing in and the wild ride it's been, here are a few things I've learned or in the process of learning that I hope resonate with you and/or support you wherever you are in your journey.

Let me know which number(s) resonate with you!

1.) The older I get, the less I realize I know. This is an expansive and infinite blessing.

2.) We always have the right and the ability to change our minds.

3.) Divine Timing is real. The lesson, the answer, the clarity will come when it’s meant to come and not a moment before we are ready to receive it (hence, Patience being a virtue).

4.) More times than not, we are the ones blocking our own blessings.

5.) Having a "plan of action" is great but having faith is better.

6.) Jump, and the safety net will appear. Not the other way around.

7.) We are the sum of who we surround ourselves with, choose consciously and wisely (who do we want to become & do those people reflect this?)

8.) Trying to "figure out" our purpose is an overwhelming concept, asking how we can be of service is much easier / fulfilling and can lead to our purpose

9.) There is no more important and sustainable source of validation than what you will receive from your Self. You are the best person to meet your own needs.

10.) Create and maintain strong intuitive boundaries, not immovable, impenetrable walls (that keep our hearts closed)

11.) "No" is a whole sentence.

12.) Healing is non-linear, never-ending and unique to our own path. No one healing journey is the same.

13.) Discerning whether you are coming from your Truth or your trauma will make the difference of living a life based in reaction or creating a life rooted in possibility and expansion

14.) To compare is to despair. Period.

15.) Being vulnerable is not always easy but it will create the life you want and deserve.

16.) Transparency is the new black.

17.) Hardly anything is black or white. Multiple truths can exist at once.

18.) When people show you who they are (multiple times), believe them (and act accordingly).

19.) Having empathy and self-identifying as an empath are very different things. The former can be healing, connecting and expansive, the latter can create confusion, entanglement and trauma.

20.) Intellect is in the brain, wisdom is in the body. We cannot think our way through healing. We must feel our way through it.

21.) Laughter is just as healing as crying. Practice both frequently and often.

22.) There is no "out there." A better world, a more compassionate world that is inhabitable and equitable for all people, starts in our hearts, our bodies, our homes and our relationships. We are not helpless.

23.) Listen as much as possible to your nervous system. It will tell you everything you need to know about yourself, your life, your needs, your relationships.

24.) Never stop praying. "Please show me the way" is a whole prayer.

25.) Rest is revolution.

26.) Our bodies are our first and primary home. Treat them accordingly and they will not steer us astray.

27.) Sometimes loving from a distance is the healthiest form of love there is.

28.) We cannot teach people the lessons they are meant to learn or carry them to the finish line. We all have our own curriculum for this lifetime and we will have far more ease when we let people figure their s**t out (or not)

29.) You are a unique, exquisite expression of the Divine. Even if seems like your "ideas" are already out there, they’re not because no one can say it or do it like YOU…..there is only one YOU.

30.) You are here for a reason. You matter. Your dreams matter, even if you don’t always believe it. You make a huge difference.

31.) Our energy is our most important currency. Prioritize clearing it, managing it and directing it in ways congruent with who you are and who you want to be, not who you, your trauma or others think you should be.

32.) "To love someone long-term is to attend a thousand funerals of the people they used to be". That "someone" is first and foremost ourselves.

33.) Relationship prioritization: God / Universe / Spirit / Divine / whatever Higher Source you believe in, Your Self, Everyone Else (this is nuanced for caretakers)

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